Posted in Art, Lifestyle

An ode to Women

Here’s to strong and fierce women 🥂

Painted by Me 😊

May we know them..

May we be them..

May we raise them..

Women’s day shouldn’t be the only day they are celebrated.

We may be sensitive, delicate, impatient and insecure but we are also fierce, strong, powerful and fearless. We go through everything in life from a sweet little princess to a powerful queen to a warrior and when it comes to it a women can don a different hat for a different battle or situation.

Women are Gods wonderful creation, that even being the most sensitive of the race, they are so powerful that even a man is born through them.

Women should be celebrated, but not one day of the year but every minute of everyday of the year.

So to celebrate women, this is part I to my three part series painting. Inspired by the beauty of the women in the 1950s

Posted in Lifestyle

The Silver Lining…

What is the last thing you learned?

Its famously said that every cloud has a silver lining and we seldom put this quote in use in our daily lives. Whnever we face a situation that goes wrong or there is a roadblock in what we are planning, we often tend to blame the situation or any other person involved. “Its not me its you”

Well you never know how the universe ends up either protecting us from a situation that would go really wrong in the future or helps us find something we wanted in a new path.   That could be either a protection from a really toxic relationship which you realise is a blessing only later when you find someone who is a really green flag. Finding the job of your dreams only after your earlier company closing down which you wouldn’t ever leave because you loved being in your comfort zone.

I’m not saying that we dont feel hurt when things go wrong, it’s but natural to feel and so we should. It’s only that instead of spirally down the rabbit hole with the sadness there is always a brighter side to see where life is taking you along.

The Burnt Toast Theory states that a delay in something can ususally be a turning point in your life.

Posted in Lifestyle

A Stepping stone…

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

It is rightfully said try and try until you succeed, so when you fail, you get up and try again. The universe does fall in love with a stubborn heart, so if you are persistant enough to want something you will use that failure as a learning opportunity of what did not work and try it in another way to see what you can achieve.

Photo credits: Unsplash

One needs to know that there is no such thing as overnight success and sometimes the faster you achieve it, the faster you fall. Setting thr groundwork working for it and achieving it when your foundation is strong from the roots. When you work towards something its not an easy road and you tend to go throught the bumps of failure.

Every failure should be seen as a stepping stone to learn from and achieve what you are looking for.

When you finally achieve success, hush out the onlookers who will say Oh wow you got dammmmn lucky!!!!

Posted in Lifestyle

Will AI replace Art?

or artists in any form...

The New Age of AI

The Next Gen

AI, Artifical Intellegence, ChatGPT – The terms we are hearing more and more of daily and getting accustomed to what it is and how it works. How well does it is help us in saving time and make life easier. While on one end it does make life better and comfortable; there is also an underlying fear of it making a lot of jobs redundant añd obsolete.

Well the short answer is Yes. Obvious to say that AI is created in a way to save our time and give us whatever we need. Well with time we also need to evolve change and learn new things. If we keep thinking that no there will always be a need for the things i am good at then the only people we are fooling are ourselves. We need to adapt to the new age of technology. While AI will not be able to completely takeover coz there will always be a need for a human touch, we surely need to evolve our skills merging it with the technology.

We can ask AI to create an oil painting image of a scenery and it will mix one up for you, ask it to write an excerpt of a film and it will whip it up in a jiffy. It surely has all the date available in abundance to mix match and give you what you are looking for no doubt in that.

From cartoons to Science Fiction, what AI can do is only understand and analyse what data is already present, use it and give u something but it is unable to think, create and innovate something and for that you still need the beauty of the Human Brain. It cannot wonder what lies beyond the imagination. AI itself is a creation of a human thinking outside the box.

I could have simply asked ChatGPT to write this for me as well but it would not have mirrored my thoughts exactly. It would surely have been cut edge but not distinctively me. Many could mirror my thoughts but the way of penning it down or rather typing it out is very unqiue to you.

So yeah, while certain things can be taken over by AI if we evolve to understand how to use it for our growth and betterment it will only be helpful. Its how you see it in the end, maybe AI can replace a particular Art, but for the creativity you will always need a person behind it.

And there have been enough movies that showcase never let technology completely takeover – it will reek havock. Let the guiding hand of a human always be behind it for the sake of sanity.

Posted in Lifestyle

Reading for a Healthy Mind

Hey there Beautiful people.

I always focus on different ways to keep your mind healthy and take care of your mind. You can read my blog on Staying Positive for a healthy mind. Mental wellness is very important and we need to focus on it.

Joseph Addison rightly said “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body

So today we will focus on reading and a healthy mind

Continue reading “Reading for a Healthy Mind”