Posted in Art, Lifestyle

An ode to Women

Here’s to strong and fierce women 🥂

Painted by Me 😊

May we know them..

May we be them..

May we raise them..

Women’s day shouldn’t be the only day they are celebrated.

We may be sensitive, delicate, impatient and insecure but we are also fierce, strong, powerful and fearless. We go through everything in life from a sweet little princess to a powerful queen to a warrior and when it comes to it a women can don a different hat for a different battle or situation.

Women are Gods wonderful creation, that even being the most sensitive of the race, they are so powerful that even a man is born through them.

Women should be celebrated, but not one day of the year but every minute of everyday of the year.

So to celebrate women, this is part I to my three part series painting. Inspired by the beauty of the women in the 1950s